Minimalism is a powerful tool used to help individuals reflect on the importance of living a complete and meaningful life based on personal values. These values can be work or family life, or hobbies like disc golf and cricket.  One universal value that is positively impacted by the incorporation of 

Free & Easy Changes

Free & Easy Changes

Often, when people talk about being more environmentally friendly and buying better products, they inevitably bring up the common misconception that environmentally friendly products are expensive, and therefore an environmentally sustainable lifestyle must be as well. This is far from true, as most environmentally conscious changes are actually cheaper and an environmentally sustainable lifestyle involves purchasing less, not more. Check out free or cheap environmentally sustainable changes you can make on a budget at Green Jax Project!

Dorms & Shared Living Spaces

Dorms & Shared Living Spaces

Sharing a living space is hard enough as is, and so it’s understandable that the prospect of having and the work needed to have an environmentally friendly dorm or shared home scares away most people. Although a daunting task, having an environmentally conscious living situation