Eco DIYs: Why Buy It When You Can Make It Yourself?

Eco DIYs: Why Buy It When You Can Make It Yourself?

One of the most interactive and cost effective ways to switch out products in your home with more environmentally and health friendly alternatives is to make them yourself. DIYs give you control over what environmental exposures you put on your body and in your home as they allow you to control the ingredients, cost, and packaging of the product. Check out Green Jax Project’s blog post on Eco-Friendly DIYs!

Composting Resources

Composting Resources

Composting can be a fantastically frugal way to reduce your waste and your impact on the planet. Compost diverts waste from landfills and creates a highly valuable and nutrient-rich product that can be used in your own garden, or gifted and sold to neighbors, friends, family, etc. There are endless ways to compost, and although most of them are outdoors, composting can be possible indoors as well. Learn how to compost yourself, or check out the cool resources available to you on the Green Jax Project blog!



Holidays are a blast for many people around the world, no matter their religious affiliation or beliefs. Whether, it’s Easter, Hanukkah, New Years, or Beltane, holidays are a great way to spend quality time with your loved ones and eat plenty of delicious food. However, holidays can be some of the most wasteful days of the year. Between the food waste, the presents, and all of the plastic wrap, holidays can fill a trash can in a matter of minutes if you’re not careful. If you want some tips to reduce your waste during the next family party or holiday, check out this blog post by the Green Jax Project!

Meet Brianna Kilcullen, Sustainability Consultant

Meet Brianna Kilcullen, Sustainability Consultant

Meet Brianna Kilcullen, a sustainability consultant who has worked with major brands throughout the U.S. Hear her story about her journey in sustainable fashion and how she started her own company in the sustainable textile industry. Visit the Green Jax Project site to hear what she has to say about sustainable fashion!

Free & Easy Changes

Free & Easy Changes

Often, when people talk about being more environmentally friendly and buying better products, they inevitably bring up the common misconception that environmentally friendly products are expensive, and therefore an environmentally sustainable lifestyle must be as well. This is far from true, as most environmentally conscious changes are actually cheaper and an environmentally sustainable lifestyle involves purchasing less, not more. Check out free or cheap environmentally sustainable changes you can make on a budget at Green Jax Project!



Whether by train, plane, or automobile, traveling is one of the things we do that can have the largest environmental impact. However, there are ways to lessen the impact of our trips. The biggest thing we can do is to avoid major travel via airplane 

Health & Hygiene

Health & Hygiene

Our hygiene is vital to a healthy life, however, the industries that provide us with hygiene “essentials” have tricked many of us into believing we need more and more chemically-laden products in order to keep ourselves smelling fresh and looking clean. Hygiene is a lot 

Around the Home

Around the Home

If you own or rent a home where you are able to control what goes into keeping up that home and you want to reduce your environmental burden, this is the article for you. However, if you have roommates or live in a dorm or 

Dorms & Shared Living Spaces

Dorms & Shared Living Spaces

Sharing a living space is hard enough as is, and so it’s understandable that the prospect of having and the work needed to have an environmentally friendly dorm or shared home scares away most people. Although a daunting task, having an environmentally conscious living situation