Educating the Youth on Building a Sustainable and Eco-friendly Planet

Student: Anjelica DaSilva
Community Partner: Beaches Go Green
As a part of the Environmental Center Leadership Program, I was fortunate to be partnered with community partner Beaches Go Green to help unfold their mission in educating the youth on building a sustainable and eco-friendly planet. Specifically, the main impact Beaches Go Green ensures is the pandemic of plastic waste pollution and its damaging effects of our oceans. 275 million metric tons of plastic waste is produced and less than 9% are recycled or composted. 8 million metric tons of the 275 million metric tons of non-recycled plastic enters the oceans. The outcome participating in beach clean-ups within the Jacksonville Beaches ensured 1,097 volunteers, 30 bags of trash, 10 recycled bags, and 22,159 cigarette butts were collected. During the beach clean-up, cigarette butts contain plastic fibers that can be recycled into park benches, bricks, and other useful resources for the community. Multiple educational content videos were created within Jacksonville Beach and shown at various Duval Schools to educate the youth about sustainability and eco-friendly aspects.