Feasibility of Phasing Out Single Use Plastics at UNF

Student: Ruby Cox
Community Partner: IERE/NOAA, UNF Institute of Enviromental Research and Education
This project stems from research being done by an Interdisciplinary team of researchers at both the University of North Florida and Eckerd College with awards from the NOAA Marine Debris Program to reduce consumption of single use plastics on college campuses as well as foster long term environmental, awareness for coastal campus communities. This project is directed by Dr. Erin Largo Wight and Dr. Heather Truelove, efforts are centered in integrating plastic reduction challenges, outreach initiatives to increase awareness, encourage behavior changes among members of both campus communities by, reducing plastic consumption. Our role in this project is to conduct the feasibility, of reducing single use plastics at the University of North Florida and aims to start, the conversation of what reducing single use plastics will look like as well as what, steps are necessary for moving forward.