Hydroponics in the Classroom: Garden Enrichment Therapy to On-Campus Enterprise

Student: Isabelle Blossom
Community Partner: Jacksonville School for Autism
I partnered with Jacksonville School for Autism to grow their garden enrichment therapy program and aid in transitioning the program into a sustained vocational opportunity for JSA students. My role centered around the development of an agricultural business model and on-site enterprise, achieved through establishing infrastructure, maintaining facilities and the application of obtained expertise. This program targets the older student demographic to account for the inevitable shut-off of funding as they age out of school-based programs. A key component of the operation is the hydroponic garden towers. These complete systems allow JSA to grow inside classrooms, providing not only essential food and farming curriculum for students but also a climate and weather controlled environment for the plants. The project sets the stage for students to practice a broad range of occupational therapy and vocational skills and also to gain day-to-day life knowledge about the production of their food. This project creates a lasting foundation for continued support and structure for young adults with Autism. The project also benefits the community at large by providing local, nutrient-rich products with an ethical and intimate supply chain. Due to the nature of the supply chain, JSA is proud to offer products with nominal production-based emissions, and minimal waste.