Keeping the History Alive: Preserving Local Parks and their History

Student: Shawn Stermer
Community Partner: National Park Service & Timacuan Parks Foundation
For my poster, I organized it accordingly into sections that address different aspects of my project. The project summary talks about the goal of both the NPS and TPF, whom I worked with during my project. The summary also talks about the kind of work my community partners and I achieved during the semester. From there, my poster goes over the end result of the events we held. In the center portion of the poster is a rundown of the historical/cultural portion of my poster. It discusses one of the volunteer groups we had attending one of the events, the Gullah Geechee. I provide basic background information about the Gullah, where they are located, what participants learned, and the cultural education that took place. This part of the poster is the main focus of my project because it provided me with the opportunity to combine both environmental preservation with history and culture. After this section, I provide a bulleted list of my leadership takeaways, essentially laying out the skills and experiences gained by participating in the Environmental Leadership Program. Following this section is my acknowledgment section where I list several of the people who helped me along the way, whom I could not have done the internship without. At the bottom of the poster are the UNF IERE logo, the National Park Service logo, and the Timucuan Parks Foundation logo, along with my name and student email and the name and email of my main community partners.